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These entrepreneurs started up during the crisis.

#The press is talking about us.

At the beginning of this new school year, Paperjam, the Luxembourg economic and financial magazine, took an interest in these entrepreneurs who, amid the Covid crisis, have nevertheless continued their entrepreneurial project.

Asked about his feedback, Jorge de Oliveira, SmartCube’s director, assures that "it is during crises that we must innovate" but he also comes back on the significant impacts for the launch of his innovation Cube4Services, the SmartHome multiservice platform.. The first demonstrations, for example, scheduled in March were suddenly stopped and only resumed in June.

Lire l’article du 25/08/20

Ces entrepreneurs se sont lancés pendant la crise
Article écrit par Mathilde Obert
"Une épicerie fine à Luxembourg-ville, une agence de communication, une plate-forme dans le domaine du smart building… La crise du Covid-19 n’a pas empêché certains entrepreneurs de se lancer. Ils nous racontent leur expérience.... "Retrouvez l’intégralité de l’article