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Home > SmartHome Concepts & Solutions > Active and Assisted Living (AAL)

Active and Assisted Living (AAL)

People with reduced mobility, Seniors, SmartHome technologies make your life easier.

Assisted Living

PMR=AAL= Active and Assisted Living or assisted living at home

We live longer than ever, and we must ensure we grow old peacefully. We develop services which make a real difference in people’s lives, and especially those confronted to some ageing challenges.

Today, new Smart Home technologies, equipment and connected objects meet the needs and expectations of people with mobility impairment.

Smart Cube offers innovative assisting solutions to stay connected, and enable you to live happy, in your own house, until an advanced age..

Smart Cube is also very advanced and forward-thinking solutions in the field of video surveillance; solutions that are particularly well suited for assisted living in the home..
Discover them here: Video, a multitude of SmartHome functions

You have a project? Let’s talk about it!

Our team of specialists will study your needs with you in order to provide you with the most suitable solution.