Home > SmartHome Concepts & Solutions > Be an actor of your own energy use
A Prosumer is the combination of the words “Producer” and “Consumer”. The “Prosumers” can produce goods and then consume them (example: produce and consume your own electrical energy).
The “Prosumer” is the constituent part of the electrical energy market. It means that thanks to its photovoltaic installation the roof’s house, its energy production will cover its needs. And If:
production is higher than consumption, the energy is directly injected into the electrical network.
production is lower than consumption, then it will pump energy from the electrical network. In concrete terms, your house will not only become an energy producer, but will also contribute significantly to achieving environmental protection goals (reducing CO2).
Integrating solar panel invertors with batteries
Visualization consumption and production rates (thanks to smart meters)
Controlling and managing the different charging points in the building.
All these technical combinations contribute to a smart energy management et and improve your comfort. You can freely choose if a plug is powered by solar energy of from the electrical supplier.